Creating the Jewels for architecture since 1972.
One at a time, by hand and eye, we create site-specific art glass windows tailored to our clients’ desires. Light and color are our passion. To draw them out, we work with stained glass from all around the world, leverage our in-house flameworking facilities, bevel on 1915 Henry Lang machinery, as well as carve, paint, stain and etch stained glass.Our professional approach to our art has endeared us to our clients. We share our experience and resources to help our clients achieve a lasting work of art to enhance the character and refinement of their architecture.
We invite you to invest a few minutes of your time and view our extensive portfolio to see for yourself if there is a place for our work in your life.

As a studio, we work in a collaborative way with our clients, sharing resources, ideas, and the knowledge we’ve gained over the years from exploring our craft. As a group of Artist/Craftsmen, we work in a highly charged environment of creativity, constantly questioning and challenging each other. Who We Are.
All of our art glass windows are designed and created in our studio. Our projects include many significant commercial, and religious restorations, and the creation of new art glass windows based on traditional designs and techniques. The majority of our commissions are contemporary art glass widows influenced by our designs and advancement of various processes. Our work is sought after by people who appreciate our aesthetics and how we work in a collaborative way.
For a snapshot of our history, click here.
How we can work together:
– Over the phone using our web site to discuss options and price ranges.
– A visit to our studio to see our work first hand.
– A visit to your site in which we bring our portfolios and glass samples.
We enjoy listening to your ideas and sharing ours. Once a concept is agreed upon, we request a design deposit based on the overall budget. Budgets and financial arrangements are worked out mutually and vary according to size, complexity and time frame for the work. Once we have our ideas on paper, we begin the creation of your project and keep you updated by emails.
Our creations follow the tradition methodology of the artist/craftsman. Discoveries and advancement of the project take place over the entire process. “Living” with a project gives us the time to study line and color in order to achieve our best work. All of our windows are one of a kind. They are designed specifically for you and will never be reproduced. At the end of our project, you will receive a letter with a photograph of your window and our written guarantee.
We invite you to explore our extensive portfolio to learn more about the many possibilities we could lend to your project.