Grace Episcopal Church – Bremo Bluff, VA
This window was created using our 1915 Henry Lang machinery. We glue chipped 1/4″ glass for the background first, always making at least three times as much as we needed so we could select for the effect we wanted. Here we were searching for a natural frost look to contrast the border. By hand beveling various thicknesses of glass over the rotating iron, stone, cork, and felt, we were able to bring the beveled edges to life with many small facets. The opening for this window was an interior wall, so to get our art piece to life, we hung a chandelier behind it. The light from the many small bulbs reflecting off the bevels is stunning as one moves around the sanctuary. As one member called it, “Our Spiritual Window.”

St. Thomas Aquinas Priory – Charlottesville, VA
One of our most spectacular projects is a pair of Rose Windows custom designed and created for the new St. Thomas Aquinas Priory in Charlottesville, Virginia. The Dominican Friars that live at the Priory will pray in the chapel where these windows live five times a day. Each symbol is placed to instruct the faithful and inspire prayer, which hearkens back to the purpose of stained glass in ancient times. Each individual painted piece was fired multiple times and painted using antique processes and techniques. The Dominicans are an old order, and new-style windows wouldn’t suit their new home.

St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church – Charlottesville, VA
The stained glass committee gave us this Icon to reproduce for their new chapel. One does not change an icon. We created the highlights for this window by acid etching European flash glass, blew clean, and dipped into a colored glass. The background was stippled onto a golden piece of glass to look like parchment. Glass jewels were used in the crown, surrounded by small pieces of beveled glass for highlights. The faces and hands we delicately painted throughout four firings in the kilns.

“Jesus Welcoming the Parish”
A window we created for St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church
in Burke, Virginia, beside their sanctuary entrance.

Stella Maris Catholic Chapel – Ocracoke, NC
We have completed our work at Stella Maris Catholic Chapel in Ocracoke, North Carolina.
Stella Maris translates to “Star of the Seas.” We are honored to be such a significant part of Ocracoke’s first Roman Catholic chapel.

Unitarian Universalist Church of Arlington – Arlington, VA
This window was commissioned by the Unitarian Universalist Church of Arlington, Virginia, to compliment the new Celebration Hall they had built. With beautiful German glass, hand-ground accent bevels, and beautiful custom metalwork, this stunning window brings the room to life with its richness.

Grace Episcopal Church – Bremo Bluff, VA
A memorial window for a member. Our challenge here was the face of St. Francis. Achieving his sweet, gaunt face took many experiments and seven firings. A wild rabbit was a part of the deceased’s daily life.

Painted Stained Glass Madonna – Bremo Bluff, VA
We created this window to learn from the artists and artisans of this period. This window represents some of our finest work, using the most delicate handblown glass from Europe for color and glass painting for the subtleties of line.

Amelia Presbyterian Church – Amelia Courthouse, VA
This photograph shows a third of the windows in this sanctuary. Using hand-blown translucent glass from West Germany, we could blend the trees and bushes on the exterior into our concept. The striations in the glass give movement to the windows as one walks through the sanctuary. This was my first complete church project over 30 years ago.

Forest Grove Christian Church – Goochland, VA
One of 12 windows depicting the life of Christ.

St. Johns Episcopal Church – Columbia, VA
This window was created to memorialize the minister’s life work at St. John’s Episcopal Church in Columbia, Virginia. I was in charge of installing the window over the back door of the small country church during the service and then taking a back-row seat in the sanctuary. When the service was over, one of the members approached the minister and announced the church had a special birthday gift for him. As the doors opened to reveal the “Guardian Angel” over the entrance doors, I don’t think I have ever seen so many tears, smiles, and joy expressed. One of the most moving experiences of my career.

Fork Union Presbyterian Church – Fork Union, VA
A beautiful Gothic church built in 1886 resisted stained glass all those years, feeling it was inappropriate for its all-white color scheme. We started this project by asking if we could place some sheets of glass in their windows. By “living” with stained glass, they began to appreciate the warmth and beauty it contributed to their worship area. Soon there were three donors for memorial windows, each with a desired symbol, scripture, and commemorative plaque for their loved one.

Mt. Zion First African Baptist Church – Charlottesville, VA
I created this mosaic 20 years ago for Mt. Zion First African Baptist Church in Charlottesville, Virginia.
It’s directly behind the pulpit.
The star/cross is made of gold mirror. Each piece is on a slightly different angle, so as one walks around the sanctuary, the lights from the chandeliers flicker off of the mirror, giving the star a sparkle effect.
I’m especially fond of the white dove in the evening light.

Faith In Christ Community Church – Orange, VA
Simplicity can create a compelling, emotional environment by allowing us to focus on what is important to us. Symbols spark our thoughts and feelings into interpretations that are meaningful to our lives, and color heightens our senses and emotions.

Elk Hill Farm School Chapel – Goochland, VA
The changing of the seasons surrounded by royal colors gives this stained glass window a balance of casualness and formality, an excellent combination for a boy’s school. We cut holes in the window about the size of a quarter and inserted chandelier parts so that rays of light travel around the chapel when the sun moves.

St. Peter Baptist Church – Glen Allen, VA
Working with the stained glass committee, we were given important symbols to the congregation. Many symbols were collected over the years from children’s educational materials and literature. Our job was to use our expertise and skill to interpret these symbols in art glass.

Temple Beth El – Richmond, VA
This window was a collaboration between our studio and the president of the Temple. She asked us to create a window in the style of the existing windows in their sanctuary.
One of my sons, Daniel White, painted the glass. The photographs depicting the painting were taken in his studio, twenty minutes away.